
- 沈雪勇,(美)Lynn Condron编著 著
- 出版社: 上海:上海科学普及出版社
- ISBN:7542705342
- 出版时间:1992
- 标注页数:281页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:296页
- 主题词:针灸
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中医、针灸、推拿常见病证临证会话 Traditional Chinese Medicine,Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina (Chinese Massage) Clinical Conversations about Common Diseases and Syndromes1
感冒 Common Csold1
哮喘 Asthma7
胃痛 Stomachache19
便秘 Constipation26
痢疾 Dysentery31
黄疸 Jaundice42
心悸 Palpitation48
失眠 Insomnia57
头痛 Headache67
眩晕 Dizziness76
中风后遗症 Sequela of wind Stroke80
痫证 Epilepsy88
面瘫 Facial Paralysis96
三叉神经痛 Trigeminal Neuralgia100
癃闭 Uroschesis107
落枕 Torticollis111
肩痛 Shoulder Pain117
肘劳 tennis Elbow123
腰痛 Lumbago134
痛经 Dysmenorrhea145
不孕 Sterility152
妊娠恶阻 Pernicious Vomiting161
胎位不正 Malposition of Fetus167
婴儿腹泻 Infantile diarrhea172
遗尿 Enuresis177
小儿肌性斜颈 Infantile Myogenic Torticollis185
近视 Myopia189
牙痛 Toothache194
单纯性肥胖症 Simple Obesity199
烟癖 Cigarette Addiction206
艾滋病 AIDS211
中医问诊常用会话句式 Conversational Sentences Commonly used in Inquiring of Traditional Chinese Medicine217
问痛 Inquiring about Pain217
疼痛部位 Position of Pain217
疼痛性质 Nature of Pain221
疼痛时间 Time of Pain223
问寒热 Inquiring about Chills and Fever224
问饮食口味 Inquiring about Dietary Matters230
口渴和饮水 Thirst and Liquid Consumption230
食欲和食量 Appetite and Food Consumption231
口味 Taste235
问二便 Inquiring about Defecation and Urination236
大便 Defecation236
小便 Urination240
问睡眠 Inquiring about Sleeping244
问汗 Inquiring about Perspiration247
问经带 Inquiring about Menses and Leukorrhea251
月经 Menses251
带下 Leukorrhea255
附录 Supplementary Section257
十四经穴标准名称 Standard Names of Fourteen Meridian Acupoints257
耳穴名称 Auricular acupoint Names273
中医病案示例 Sample of Traditional chinese Medicine Record279
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