
- 杜桂敏等主编 著
- 出版社: 沈阳:沈阳出版社
- ISBN:754412066X
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:311页
- 文件大小:8MB
- 文件页数:325页
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Unit One The History and Background of WTO 第1课 世界贸易组织的产生背景1
1.1 What is WTO 世界贸易组织是什么1
1.2 GATT and the Multilateral Trade Negotiations 关贸总协定与多边贸易谈判2
1.3 WTO—Results of the Uruguay Round 世界贸易组织——乌拉圭回合谈判的成果7
1.4 The Significance of the Establishment of the WTO 建立世界贸易组织的意义10
Unit Two WTO 第2课 世界贸易组织11
2.1 Differences Between GATT and WTO 关贸总协定与世界贸易组织的差别11
2.2 Status of the WTO 世界贸易组织的法律地位15
2.3 Scope of the WTO 世界贸易组织的职权范围17
2.4 Main Objectives of the WTO 世界贸易组织的宗旨18
2.5 Functions of the WTO 世界贸易组织的职能21
2.6 Basics of the WTO 世界贸易组织的基本情况23
2.7 Structure of the WTO 世界贸易组织的基本结构25
2.8 Members of the WTO 世界贸易组织成员53
Unit Three WTO's Procedure 第3课 世界贸易组织程序55
3.1 Decision Making Mechanism 决策机制55
3.2 Amendments to Agreements 贸易协议的修订57
3.3 Accession to the WTO 世界贸易组织的加入59
3.4 Withdrawal from the WTO 世界贸易组织的退出66
3.5 WTO Budget and Contributions 世界贸易组织预算和收入66
Unit Four Basic Principles of the WTO 第4课 世界贸易组织基本原则69
4.1 Trade without Discrimination 贸易的非歧视原则69
4.2 Transparency透明度原则72
4.3 Free Trade and Predictability 自由贸易和可预见性74
4.4 Promoting Fair Competition 公平竞争原则77
4.5 Encouraging Development and Economic Reform 鼓励发展与经济改革78
Unit Five Trade Policy Review Mechanism 第5课 贸易政策审议机制81
5.1 What is Trade Policy Review Mechanism 什么是贸易政策审议机制81
5.2 Objectives 目标82
5.3 Scope of Reviews 审议范围83
5.4 Frequency of Reviews 审议频率84
5.5 Review Process 审议过程85
5.6 Structure of Secretariat Report 秘书处报告的结构86
Unit Six WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism 第6课 世贸组织争端解决机制88
6.1 The Dispute Settlement Body 争端解决机构90
6.2 Disputes Panel 争端解决专家小组91
6.3 Expert Review Group 专家审议小组94
6.4 The Appellate Body 上诉机构95
6.5 The WTO Disputes Procedure 世贸组织争端解决程序97
6.6 The First Case Settled by the WTO 世贸组织解决的第一个案例104
Unit Seven WTO Relationship with Other Organizations 第7课 世贸组织和其他组织的关系120
7.1 WTO Relationship with the IMF and World Bank 世贸组织和国际货币基金组织及世界银行的关系120
7.2 WTO and European Union 世贸组织和欧盟121
Unit Eight WTO and Business 第8课 世贸组织与商业125
8.1 Transparency and WTO 透明度与世贸组织125
8.2 Educational Courses and Visits 教学课程和访问126
8.3 Publications of the WTO 世贸组织的出版物127
8.4 Influencing Policy—Lobbying 颇具影响力的政策——游说128
8.5 Breach of a Multilateral Trade Agreement—Procedures for Companies 多边贸易协议的违反——贸易公司的申诉程序130
8.6 Legal Remedies for Breach of WTO Law 违反世贸组织法规的法律救济134
8.7 Future Developments 未来的发展138
Unit Nine WTO and the Developing Countries 第9课 世界贸易组织与发展中国家145
9.1 Membership of Developing Countries in the WTO 世界贸易组织中的发展中国家145
9.2 Acknowledgement of Developing Countries'Status 发展中国家地位的确认146
9.3 GATT's Work with Developing Countries 关贸总协定对发展中国家的特殊待遇149
9.4 Articles Concerning Developing Countries in GATT 关贸总协定中有关发展中国家的条款151
9.5 Preferential Treatment to the Developing Countries in the WTO Agreements 《世界贸易组织协议》中有关发展中国家的特殊待遇153
9.6 Preferential Treatment to the Least-Developed Countries 对最不发达国家的优惠待遇154
Unit Ten WTO and China 第10课 世界贸易组织与中国157
10.1 Historical Origins Between WTO and China世贸组织与中国的历史渊源157
10.2 The Significance of China's Accession to WTO 中国入世的意义159
10.3 China's Developing Country Status 中国是发展中国家161
10.4 China's Rights after Accession to WTO 入世后中国的权利163
10.5 China's Obligations after Accession to WTO 入世后中国的义务165
Unit Eleven Uruguay Round 第11课 乌拉圭回合167
11.1 An Overview 概况167
11.2 Agreement on Agriculture 《农产品协议》180
11.3 Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measure 《动植物卫生检疫措施协议》190
11.4 Agreement on Textiles and Clothing 《纺织品与服装协议》193
11.5 Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade 《技术性贸易壁垒协议》200
11.6 Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Investment Mea-sures 《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》206
11.7 Anti-Dumping Agreement 《反倾销协议》209
11.8 The Agreement on Safeguards 《保障措施协议》217
11.9 Agreement on Customs Valuation 《海关估价协议》222
11.10 Agreement on Pre-shipment Inspection 《装运前检验协议》227
11.11 Agreement on Rules of Origin 《原产地规则协议》229
11.12 Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures 《进口许可证发放程序协议》233
11.13 Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures 《补贴与反补贴措施协议》235
11.14 General Agreement on Trade in Services 《服务贸易总协定》240
11.15 Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》252
11.16 Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes 《争端解决规则和程序谅解》267
11.17 Trade Policy Review Mechanism 《贸易政策审议机制》276
11.18 Government Procurement Agreement 《政府采购协议》278
Conclusion 结论280
References 参考文献282
Annex One Some of the Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in WTO 附录一 WTO中使用的部分缩略语283
Annex Two Terms 附录二 术语289
Annex Three WTO Members and Observers 附录三 世贸组织成员和观察员304
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