
导学精练 高考总复习 第一轮 英语【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

导学精练 高考总复习 第一轮 英语
  • 邓北平,孙锋,戴浩仁等本册主编 著
  • 出版社: 武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787307056015
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:338页
  • 文件大小:162MB
  • 文件页数:359页
  • 主题词:英语课-高中-习题-升学参考资料


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导学精练 高考总复习 第一轮 英语PDF格式电子书版下载


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第一部分 词汇考点全书3

第一章 单词考点3

第一节//accept act admit advance advice advise afford agree alive allow almost announce anxious apply argue ashamed attempt attract average avoid award badly ban bargain bear beat become begin beyond blame3

第二节//break burst call care carry catch cause celebrate certain challenge charge check choose clear close cloth collect common company compare complete consider contact contain continue cost count cover cure damage13

第三节//decide defeat defend delay demand depend describe desert destoy determine develop devote discover discuss disturb divide draw dress earn effect effort elder enjoy enough enter equal escape examine except exist23

第四节//expect experience explain express fail fall fault favorite feed feel fetch few fight fill find finish fix fly forbid forget form fun gain gather general get go graduate happen hardly33

第五节//hate help hit hold honor hope hurt idea imagine improve incident include increase injure insist interrupt invent join judge just keep knock know land last late lay lead leave let42

第六节//lie light like live lonely long look lose majority make manage marry matter mean measure meet mend mention mind miss mistake move nearly never next object occur offer operate order51

第七节//pain pardon pass pay perhaps permit persuade pick play please plenty popular possible practise prefer prepare present pretend prevent pride produce60

第八节//progress protect proud prove provide put quantity rather reach realize receive recognize recommend record reduce refer refuse regard regret relate remain remember66

第九节//satisfy save search seat see seek seem send sense separate serve set settle shape share situation sound spare spend spread stand stay strength strike struggle suggest suit supply suppose survive73

第十节//take talk tear tell test think though time tip tire trea trouble touch try turn unique value various view wait want warn watch waste way wear win work worth write wrong79

第二章 短语考点88

第一节//above all add to be addicted to take advantage of be afraid of agree with ask for on(the) averagebecause of at the beginning of belong to beware of a bit of blame for break out hold one’s breath bring up burst into be busy with88

第二节//call for take care of carry out come about come to...on condition of course cut off the other day date back to/from a great deal (of)devote...to... die down be different from have difficulty in in the distance no doubt94

第三节//eat up in the end either...or... be engaged in even if/though be familiar with far from do sb a favor for fear of find out be fit for/to do be fond of set free free from/ of be full of make fun of99

第四节//get down to get down to give up go ahead go on give sb. a hand on the other hand have...on have nothing to do with hear from learn sth. by heart hold on(to...)in case in turn instead of insist on keep on do-ing knock at103

第五节//at last at least teach/give sb. a lesson let out before long so long as long for/to do look into make a mistake make up make up one’ s mind take a message for never mind for the moment more or less in need of108

第六节//in order Out of over and over owe...to... beg one’s pardon take part in be patient with pay off pick up point out take the place of prefer...to... be proud of prevent...from make a promise in public on purpose put into use put on put out112

第七节//rather than refer to remind sb. of as a result all right ring up make room for run out all the same scores of see sb. off sell out send for sentence sb. to...separate...from set out118

第八节//be short of show off shut up so far or so stick to make sure take off take up in terms of...think highly of... tell... from think over take your time keep in touch with come true turn to turn out122

第九节//up and down get used toasusual by the way as well a short while in other words work out be worth127

第三章 句型考点130

第一节//A is to B what C is to D A is to / on/in the...of B ...as...a... n./adj./adj./v.+as+subject.+v. ..as if... as it is/was...as they are/were... such...as... the same... as/that... ...to blame祈使句 +and/or...+简单句130

第二节//be doing...when... be+过去分词+to be always/forever/continually... doing... be+adj. +to do be of+n. ...can never/can’t...too... Can/Could sb.do...?Do/Don’t do... do nothing but do133

第三节//have sb./sth. do/doing/done How+adj. ...!/What+n. ...!How often... I hope so I don’t think/believe/suppose... I’d love/like to,but... I wish... If only135

第四节//It be+adj.+for of sb. to do sth. It is no use/good/bad/need... It is/was who/that... It is known to us that.../As is It is one thing to do...,another thing to do...It is time sb. did sth. It is/was the first/second... It is/was/has been/had been+一段时间+since... It was/wasn’t/will be/won’t be+一段时间+before... It is/was necessary/desirable/suggested... that sb./sth.(should)do138

第五节//It is easier said than done... It is up to sb. to do sth. It occurred to sb. that...It seems that...It takes sb.sth. to do... leave+宾语+补足语sub./sth. be likely to do...may/might(just) as well do...May sb...Do you mind if I do...?140

第六节//more...than... the more... the more... The moment...+clause no sooner...than... No/not/never/little/in no way/ Not only... but also...副词+倒装句 介词短语+倒装句Only+状语+倒装句Only to do143

第七节//reason... is that... Should sb./sth. do... So/Nor/Neither+动词+主语,... so+倒装句 so+adj./adv.+that-clause/ so it is/was with...so as to...sub.+find/think/believe/make... it+adj.+to do sub.+系动词+表语146

第八节//sub.+vi. ...sub.+vt.+object sub.+v.+that-clause(should do...)sub.+v+obj.+obj sub.+v.+obj.+obj. compl. v.+sb. in/on/by the+n. sub.+v.+adv. ...There is no need to do... there be... too...(adj.)(for sb.)todo sth148

第九节//What’s wrong/the matter/the What can I do for you? What/Where/Where/Who...What do you think of... What do/does...look like? What/How about... What is the...of... No matter what/when/where151

第十节//Where can I find... Whether...or... Why can’t you.../Why don’t with+n./pron.+doing/done/to do... Word comes/came that... worth sth./doing sth. would rather do...Would you (please)...?153

第二部分 语法考点全书159

第一章 词法159

第一节 名词159

第二节 冠词161

第三节 代词164

第四节 形容词166

第五节 副词168

第六节 数词171

第七节 介词173

第八节 连词175

第九节 动词177

第十节 常用词语辨析179

第二章 句法182

第一节 考点精义182

第二节 典题解析192

第三节 仿真题192

第三章 时态语态194

第一节 考点精义194

第二节 典题解析196

第三节 仿真题197

第四章 非谓语动词199

第一节 考点精义199

第二节 典题解析204

第三节 仿真题205

第五章 情态动词207

第一节 考点精义207

第二节 典题解析209

第三节 仿真题210

第六章 其他类212

第一节 考点精义212

第二节 典题解析215

第三节 仿真题216

第四节 交际英语考点217

第三部分 题型考点全书223

第一章 听力223

第一节 简短对话223

第二节 复杂对话226

第三节 独立篇章227

第二章 单项选择229

第一节 语法229

第二节 词法233

第三章 完形填空241

第一节 语义衔接241

第二节 逻辑衔接242

第三节 搭配衔接243

第四章 阅读理解251

第五章 短文改错270

第一节 高考指南270

第二节 考点解析271

第三节 三级仿真题274

第六章 完成句子277

第一节 “完成句子”的题型设计277

第二节 “完成句子”的应对277

第三节 三级仿真题278

第七章 写作280

第一节 短文280

第二节 书信281

第三节 报告283

第四节 通知284

第五节 人物介绍284

第六节 看图写话284

第七节 三级仿真题285




