
- (美)加勒特(Garrett,R.H.),(美)格里萨姆(Grisham,C.M.)著 著
- 出版社: 北京:高等教育出版社
- ISBN:7040114488
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:1255页
- 文件大小:240MB
- 文件页数:1293页
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Part Ⅰ.Molecular Components of Cells1
1.Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena2
2.Water,pH,and Ionic Equilibria34
3.Thermodynamics of Biological Systems56
4.Amino Acids81
5.Proteins:Their Biological Functions and Primary Structure107
6.Proteins:Secondary,Tertiary,and Quaternary Structure158
9.Membranes and Cell Surfaces259
10.Membrane Transport296
11.Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids327
12.Structure of Nucleic Acids356
13.Recombinant DNA:Cloning and Creation of Chimeric Genes395
Part Ⅱ.Protein Dynamics425
14.Enzyme Kinetics426
15.Enzyme Specificity and Regulation460
16.Mechanisms of Enzyme Action500
17.Molecular Motors533
Part Ⅲ.Metabolism and Its Regulation565
18.Metabolism:An Overview566
20.The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle639
21.Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation673
23.Gluconeogenesis,Glycogen Metabolism,and the Pentose Phosphate Pathway742
24.Fatty Acid Catabolism775
25.Lipid Biosynthesis802
26.Nitrogen Acquisition and Amino Acid Metabolism852
27.The Synthesis and Degradation of Nucleotides899
28.Metabolic Integration and the Unidirectionality of Pathways927
Part Ⅳ.Information Transfer949
29.DNA:Genetic Information,Recombination,and Mutation950
30.DNA Replication and Repair984
31.Transcription and the Regulation of Gene Expression1014
32.The Genetic Code1069
33.Protein Synthesis and Degradation1089
Chapter 2 Blood pH and Respiration54
Chapter 6 Collagen-Related Diseases178
A Mutant Protein That Folds Slowly Can Cause Emphysema and Liver Damage194
Faster-Acting Insulin:Genetic Engineering Solves a Quaternary Structure Problem207
Chapter 8 Coumarin or Warfarin—Agent of Life or Death254
Plant Sterols—Natural Cholesterol Fighters256
17β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 3 Deficiency257
Chapter 9 Treating Allergies at the Cell Membrane273
A Prenyl Protein Protease Is a New Chemotherapy Target278
Selectins,Rolling Leukocytes,and the Inflammatory Response283
Chapter 10 Cardiac Glycosides:Potent Drugs from Ancient Times306
Chapter 11 Adenosine:A Nucleoside with Physiological Activity332
Chapter 12 Telomeres and Tumors382
Chapter 13 The Human Genome Project412
The Biochemical Defects in Cystic Fibrosis and ADA—SCID420
Chapter 15 Hemoglobin and Nitric Oxide493
Chapter 16 Protease Inhibitors Give Life to AIDS Patients524
Chapter 17 The Molecular Defect in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Involves an Actin-Anchoring Protein548
Smooth Muscle Effectors Are Useful Drugs561
Chapter 18 Thiamine and Beriberi588
Niacin and Pellagra590
Vitamin B12 and Pernicious Anemia599
Ascorbic Acid and Scurvy600
Vitamin D and Rickets605
Vitamin K and Blood Clotting607
Chapter 25 Lovastatin Lowers Serum Cholesterol Levels840
Chapter 26 Homocysteine and Heart Attacks879
Chapter 28 Controlling Obesity—Leptin Is a Protein That Stimulates“Fat Burning”945
Chapter 29 Prions:Proteins as Genetic Agents?979
Chapter 4 Green Fluorescent Protein—The“Light Fantastic” from Jellyfish to Gene Expression92
Discovery of Optically Active Molecules and Determination of Absolute Configuration97
Rules for Description of Chiral Centers in the(R,S)System99
Chapter 6 In Bed with a Cold,Pauling Stumbles onto the α-Helix and a Nobel Prize167
Thermodynamics of the Folding Process in Globular Proteins192
Chapter 13 Combinatorial Libraries406
Identifying Specific DNA Sequences by Southern Blotting(Southern Hybridization)410
Chapter 16 Transition-Srate Stabilization in the Serine Proteases519
The pH Dependence of Aspartic Proteases and HIV-1 Protease525
Chapter 17 Effectors of Microtubule Polymerization as Therapeutic Agents538
Molecular“Tweezers”of Light Take the Measure of a Muscle Fiber's Force554
Chapter 21 Oxidative Phosphorylation—The Clash of Ideas and Energetic Personalities693
Chapter 22 Experiments with Isolated Chloroplasts Provided the First Direct Evidence for the Chemiosmotic Hypothesis728
Chapter 23 The Pioneering Studies of Carl and Gerty Cori750
Chapter 25 The Long Search for the Route to Cholesterol Biosynthesis838
Chapter 27 Enzyme Inhibition by Fluoro Compounds924
Chapter 2 How the Bicarbonate Buffer System Works53
Entropy,Information,and the Importance of“Negentropy”60
Chapter 4 The Murchison Meteorite—Discovery of Extraterrestrial Handedness98
Chapter 5 The Virtually Limitless Number of Different Amino Acid Sequences116
Estimation of Protein Concentrations in Solutions of Biological Origin129
Chapter 6 Knowing What the Right Hand and Left Hand Are Doing164
Charlotte's Web Revisited:Helix-Sheet Composites in Spider Dragline Silk175
The Coiled Coil Motif in Proteins188
Part Ⅰ.Molecular Components of Cells1
1.Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena2
2.Water,pH,and Ionic Equilibria34
3.Thermodynamics of Biological Systems56
4.Amino Acids81
5.Proteins:Their Biological Functions and Primary Structure107
6.Proteins:Secondary,Tertiary,and Quaternary Structure158
9.Membranes and Cell Surfaces259
10.Membrane Transport296
11.Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids327
12.Structure of Nucleic Acids356
13.Recombinant DNA:Cloning and Creation of Chimeric Genes395
Part Ⅱ.Protein Dynamics425
14.Enzyme Kinetics426
15.Enzyme Specificity and Regulation460
16.Mechanisms of Enzyme Action500
17.Molecular Motors533
Part Ⅲ.Metabolism and Its Regulation565
18.Metabolism:An Overview566
20.The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle639
21.Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation673
23.Gluconeogenesis,Glycogen Metabolism,and the Pentose Phosphate Pathway742
24.Fatty Acid Catabolism775
25.Lipid Biosynthesis802
26.Nitrogen Acquisition and Amino Acid Metabolism852
27.The Synthesis and Degradation of Nucleotides899
28.Metabolic Integration and the Unidirectionality of Pathways927
Part Ⅳ.Information Transfer949
29.DNA:Genetic Information,Recombination,and Mutation950
30.DNA Replication and Repair984
31.Transcription and the Regulation of Gene Expression1014
32.The Genetic Code1069
33.Protein Synthesis and Degradation1089
Immunoglobulins—All the Features of Protein Structure Brought Together205
Chapter 7 Trehalose—A Natural Protectant for Bugs223
Honey—An Ancestral Carbohydrate Treat224
Billiard Balls,Exploding Teeth,and Dynamite—The Colorful History of Cellulose234
Chapter 8 Fatty Acids in Fopds:Saturated Versus Unsaturated241
Polar Bears Use Triacylgylcerols to Survive Long Periods of Fasting243
Glycerophospholipid Degradation:One of the Effects of Snake Venoms246
Platelet Activating Factor:A Potent Glyceroether Mediator247
Moby Dick and Spermaceti:A Valuable Wax from Whale Oil251
Why Do Plants Emit Isoprene?253
Chapter 9 Exterminator Proteins—Biological Pest Control at the Membrane275
Chapter 10 Melittin—How to Sting Like a Bee319
Chapter 11 Peptide Nucleic Acids(PNAs)Are Synthetic Mimics of DNA and RNA347
Chapter 13 The Two-Hybrid System to Identify Proteins Involved in Specific Protein-Protein Interactions417
Chapter 14 An Example of the Effect of Amino Acid Substitutions on Km and kcat:Wild-Type and Mutant Forms of Human Sulfite Oxidase441
The Equations of Competitive Inhibition445
Chapter 15 Protein Kinases:Target Recognition and Intrasteric Control466
An Alternative Allosteric Model:The Sequential Allosteric Model of Koshland,Nemethy,and Filmer472
The Physiological Significance of the Hb:O2 Interaction484
Changes in the Heme Iron upon O2-Binding487
Chapter 16 What Is the Rate Enhancement of an Enzyme?502
Chapter 17 Viscous Solutions Reflect Long-Range Molecular Interactions551
Chapter 18 Calcium Carbonate—A Biological Sink for CO2571
A Fad Diet—Low Carbohydrates,High Protein,High Fat585
Riboflavin and Old Yellow Enzyme592
Fritz Lipmann and Coenzyme A594
Vitamin B6597
Lipoic Acid601
Folic Acid,Pterins,and Insect Wings602
β-Carotene and Vision604
Vitamin E606
Chapter 19 The Chemical Evidence for the Schiff Base Intermediate in Class I Aldolases622
Chapter 20 Reaction Mechanism of the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex646
Fool's Gold and the Reductive Citric Acid Cycle—The First Metabolic Pathway?664
Chapter 23 Carbohydrate Utilization in Exercise759
Chapter 24 The Akee Tree786
The Activation of Vitamin B12793
Chapter 25 Choosing the Best Organism for the Experiment810
The Discovery of Prostaglandins831
The Molecular Basis for the Action of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs834
Chapter 26 The Mechanism of the Aminotransferase(Transamination)Reaction869
The Urea Cycle as Both an Ammonium and a Bicarbonate Disposal Mechanism872
Amino Acid Biosynthesis Inhibitors as Herbicides888
Histidine—A Clue to Understanding Early Evolution?890
The Serine Dehydratase Reaction—a β-Elimination892
Chapter 27 Tetrahydrofolate(THF)and Ohe-Carbon Units901
ATP Changes the Keq for a Process by a Factor of 108934
Chapter 29 “Knockout”Mice:A Method To Investigate the Essentiality of a Gene981
Chapter 30 A Mechanism for All Polymerases996
Telomeres—A Timely End to Chromosomes?1008
Chapter 31 Conventions Employed in Expressing the Sequences of Nucleic Acids and Proteins1016
DNA Footprinting—Identifying the Nucleotide Sequence in DNA Where a Protein Binds1018
Quantitative Evaluation of lac Repressor:DNA Interactions1033
Storage of Long-Term Memory Depends on Gene Expression Activated by CREB-Type Transcription Factors1056
Chapter 32 Natural Variations in the Standard Genetic Code1074
Chapter 33 Molecular Mimicry—The Structures of EF-Tu:Aminoacyl-tRNA and EF-G1104
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