
- 吕海彬,李元元编著 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7561139616
- 出版时间:2008
- 标注页数:468页
- 文件大小:130MB
- 文件页数:480页
- 主题词:
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优雅休闲 Enjoyment and Entertainment1
1.网上冲浪 Surfing on the Internet2
2.炫彩衣装 Fashionable Clothing6
3.多彩夜生活 Colorful Nightlife10
4.星座生肖 Zodiac Signs14
5.网络恋情 Net Love18
6.清凉茶馆 Comfortable Teahouse22
7.手机文化 Modern Cellphones26
8.咖啡情调 Enjoy Coffee30
9.出境旅游 Traveling abroad34
10.极限运动 Extreme Sports38
11.多彩节日 Colorful Festivals42
12.休闲健身 Recreation & Fitness46
13.户外休闲 Outdoor Relaxation50
14.美容养颜 Facial Care54
15.美体瘦身 Body Firming58
16.自驾出行 Road Trip62
17.主题乐园 Theme Park66
18.收藏天下 Delicate Collections69
家居生活 Family Life73
19.租房生活 Leasing Houses74
20.跨国婚恋 Mixed Marriage78
21.乔迁之喜 Move to New House82
22.婚礼庆典 Wedding Ceremony86
23.装修手册 Home Improvement90
24.宝贝宠物 Cute Pet94
25.丁克家庭 DINK Family98
26.子女教育 Children's Education102
27.中华美食 Chinese Cuisine106
28.快餐文化 Fast Food Culture110
29.亚健康 Sub Health113
30.家庭幸福 Family and Happiness117
31.家庭代沟 Generation Gap120
32.养生保健 Health Care124
33.养老之忧 Seniors Worries128
34.中国式离婚 Painful Divorce132
35.公共缴费 Paying Utility Bills136
36.采暖供热 Heat Supply139
37.就医问药 Seeing a Doctor142
财经视点 Finance and Economy147
38.畅销彩票 Lottery Sales148
39.股票基金 Stocks & Funds152
40.有车一族 Private Cars156
41.房地产热 Real Estate160
42.商场促销 Business Promotion164
43.网上购物 On-line Shopping168
44.高档消费 Luxury Consumption172
45.汽车美容 Car Beauty176
46.保险理赔 Insurance & Claim179
47.超前消费 Excessive Consumption183
48.贫富差距 Wealth Gaps187
49.身为卡奴 Card Slave190
50.假日经济 Holiday Economy194
51.物价水平 Price Level198
52.数字时代 Digital Era201
53.小额贷款 Small Loan205
54.“一条龙”服务 One-stop Service208
社会聚焦 Social Issues213
55.城市交通 Road Traffic214
56.交通事故 Traffic Accident217
57.艾滋与吸毒 AIDS & Drugs221
58.抗癌斗争 Fighting Cancer224
59.社会治安 Social Order228
60.抵制传销 Against Pyramid-selling232
61.珍稀动物 Rare Animals236
62.家庭暴力 Domestic Violence240
63.食品安全 Food Safety244
64.慈善救济 Charity and Relief248
65.节能环保 Green Measures251
66.自然无常 Raging Nature255
67.知识产权 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)259
68.春运高峰 Spring Festival Transport262
69.网络安全 Cyber Security266
70.生活保障 Social Security System270
71.被动吸烟 Passive Smoking274
72.恐怖袭击 Terrorist Attack277
73.消费者权益 Consumer Rights280
74.金融犯罪 Financial Crimes283
75.西部开发 West Development287
76.关注三农 Farm,Farmer,Farming290
77.城市绿化 City Landscaping294
78.物权改革 Property Right Reform297
影视广角 Colorful Media301
79.海选选秀 Audition Show302
80.北京奥运 Beijing Olympics306
81.韩流风暴 Korea Wave310
82.电影世界 Movie World314
83.音乐无限 Enjoy the Music318
84.大众媒体 Mass Media322
85.八卦娱乐圈 Eventful Show Biz326
86.中国足球 Chinese Football330
87.传统艺术 Traditional Art334
88.传统中医 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)338
89.春晚聚焦 Spring Festival Gala342
90.文化遗产 Cultural Heritage345
菁菁校园 Green Campus349
91.体验多媒体 Fantastic Multimedia350
92.校园恋情 Campus Romance354
93.突击考试 Final Examination358
94.热衷考证 Diplomas & Certificates362
95.话高考 National College Entrance Examination (NCEE)366
96.留学海外 Overseas Study370
97.考研热 Further Study374
98.面临就业 Job Hunting378
99.勤工俭学 Part-time Jobs382
100.素质教育 Quality Education385
101.社团派对 Campus Clubs389
102.考场舞弊 Exam Fraud393
103.学生减负 Relief of the Overburden Students397
104.心理健康 Psychological Health401
105.校园安全 Campus Safety405
106.远程教育 Long-distance Education409
107.性教育 Sex Education413
108.学汉语热 Chinese Fever417
职场纵横 Career Planning421
109.SOHO一族 SOHOs422
110.海归一族 Overseas Returnees426
111.体验跳槽 Job Hopping430
112.自主创业 Entrepreneurship434
113.外企招聘 Foreign Enterprise Recruitment438
114.下岗再就业 Layoff & Re-employment442
115.推销自我 Self-promotion446
116.漂一族 “Floaters”450
117.职场母亲 Career Mother454
118.办公礼仪 Office Etiquette457
119.职场杂谈 Work Stuff461
120.公务员 Civil Servant465
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