

  • 雍贺编;(美)(S.希利斯)Scott Hillis译 著
  • 出版社: 北京:新世界出版社
  • ISBN:7800053415
  • 出版时间:1997
  • 标注页数:307页
  • 文件大小:8MB
  • 文件页数:319页
  • 主题词:汉语


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目录按图索骥Look for a steed according to its picture1

拔苗助长Help shoots grow by pulling them upward5

百发百中A hundred shots,a hundred bull’s-eyes8

杯弓蛇影Mistake the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake12

伯乐识马Bo Le judges horses17

唇亡齿寒If the lips are gone,the teeth will be cold22

此地无银三百两No 300 taels of silver buried here26

呆若木鸡Dumb as a wooden chicken30

道听途说Heard on the streets and told on the roads34

对症下药Suit the remedy to the illness38

对牛弹琴Play the zither to a cow41

负荆请罪Proffer a birch and ask for a flogging44

邯郸学步Learn the Handan way of walking49

囫囵吞枣Swallow dates whole53

狐假虎威The fox borrows the tiger’s fierceness57

画蛇添足Draw a snake and add feet to it60

画龙点睛Bring a picture of a dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes63

挥汗成雨Sweat drips like rain67

讳疾忌医Hide one’s sickness for fear of treatment71

火中取栗Pull someone else’s chestnuts out of the fire75

涸辙之鲋A fish stranded in a dry rut79

江郎才尽A Jianglang depleted of his talents83

金玉其外 败絮其中Old cotton fiber coated in gold and jade87

惊弓之鸟A bird that starts at the twang of a bowstring91

精卫填海The bird Jing wei trys to fill up the sea with pebbles95

橘化为枳An orange becomes another variety when transplanted99

克己奉公Be wholeheartedly devoted to public duty103

刻舟求剑Nick the boat to seek the sword107

空中楼阁Castles in the air110

滥竽充数Pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemble115

梁上君子Gentleman on the beam118

老马识途An old horse knows the way122

买椟还珠Keep the glittering casket and give back the pearls126

盲人摸象A group of blind men try to size up an elephant130

盲人瞎马A blind man on a blind horse134

毛遂自荐Offer one’s services as Mao Sui did137

名落孙山Fall behind Sun Sban141

南辕北辙Try to go south by driving the chariot north145

囊萤映雪Read by the light of bagged fireflies or the reflected light of snow148

呕心沥血Shed one’s heart’s blood151

破釜沉舟Break the cauldrons and sink the boats155

杞人忧天Like the man from Qi who feared that the sky might fall159

曲突徙薪Bend the chimney and remove the fuel163

黔驴技穷The Guizhou donkey has exhausted its tricks167

孺子可教The boy is worth teaching171

入木三分The handwriting penetrates the wood175

塞翁失马The old frontiersman loses his horse179

三令五申Issue orders three times and give instructions five times183

三人成虎The testimony of three men creates a tiger in the market188

守株待兔Wait by a stump for a hare193

熟能生巧Practice makes perfect196

螳臂当车A mantis trys to obstruct a chariot200

螳螂捕蝉 黄雀在后The mantis stalks the cicada,unaware of the oriole behind203

铁杵成针Grind an iron rod into a needle207

外强中干Outwardly strong but inwardly weak210

亡羊补牢Mend the fold after the sheep is lost213

望洋兴叹Lament one’s smallness before the great ocean216

望梅止渴Quench one’s thirst by thinking of plum220

危如累卵As precariou s as a pile of eggs223

闻鸡起舞Rise at cock’s crow and practice with the sword228

卧薪尝胆Sleep on brushwood and taste gall232

天衣无缝A seamless heavenly rob235

悬梁刺股Tie one’s hair to a beam to keep from nodding off or prod oneself awake with an awl in the thigh238

掩耳盗铃Plug one’s ears while stealing a bell241

夜郎自大The ludicrous conceit of the king of Yelang244

叶公好龙Lord Y e’s love of dragons248

一鸣惊人Issue a cry to shake the world251

一鼓作气Get something done in one effort255

一叶障目 不见泰山A leaf before the eye shuts out Mt.Tai259

疑邻偷斧Suspect the neighbor of stealing an axe264

有志竟成Where there’s a will,there’s a way267

余音绕梁The music lingers in the air long after the performance271

鹬蚌相争 渔翁得利When the snipe and the clam grapple,it’s the fisherman who standsto benefit274

争先恐后Strive to be the first and fear to lag behind278

郑人买履The man from Zheng buys shoes282

纸上谈兵Fight only on paper286

指鹿为马Call a stag a horse290

趾高气扬Strut about and give oneself airs294

朝三暮四Blow hot and cold298

自相矛盾Contradict oneself301

坐井观天Look at the sky from the bottom of a well304
