
- 梅仁毅,李期铿主编;刘友道,谢超副主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:世界知识出版社
- ISBN:9787501242214
- 出版时间:2012
- 标注页数:707页
- 文件大小:44MB
- 文件页数:717页
- 主题词:外交史-美国-1989~2009
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第一章 体系改变,百家争鸣——冷战结束后美国的各种反应1
第一节 弗朗西斯·福山:历史终结论2
Francis Fukuyama,"The End of History?"3
第二节 塞缪尔·亨廷顿:文明冲突论19
Samuel Huntington,"The Clash of Civilizations?"20
第三节 查尔斯·克劳萨默:单极世界论37
Chaarles Krauthammer,"The Unipolar Moment"38
第四节 布热津斯基:“大棋局”思想45
Zbigniew Brzezinski,"The Grand Chessboard:American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives"46
第五节 帕特里克·布坎南:新孤立主义56
Patrick J.Buchanan,"A Republic,Not an Empire:Reclaiming America's Destiny"57
第六节 约翰·欧文:民主和平论72
John M.Owen,"How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace"73
第二章 超越遏制,稳中求胜——乔治·布什领导下的美国外交88
第一节 一般性论述89
1.George H.W.Bush,"Commencement Address at Texas A & M University",May 12,198990
2.National Security Strategy of the United States(1991)93
第二节 美国与前苏联国家及欧洲关系106
1.Dimitri K.Simes,"America and the Post-Soviet Republics"106
2.James Baker,"The Euro-Atlantic Architecture:From West to East"118
第三节 海湾战争与中东地区126
1.George H.W.Bush,"Address before a Joint Session of Congress",September 11,1990127
2.George H.W.Bush,"Address before a Joint Session of Congress on the End of the Gulf War",March 6,1991133
3.Peter W.Rodman,"Middle East Diplomacy after the Gulf"137
第四节 拉美关系141
1.George H.W.Bush,"Address to the Nation on Panama",December 20,1989142
2.George H.W.Bush,"Remarks Announcing the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative",June 27,1990143
第五节 亚太及中国关系147
1.James A.Baker Ⅲ,"America in Asia:Emerging Architecture for a Pacific Community"148
2.Michel Oksenberg,"The China Problem"160
第六节 乔治·布什外交总体评价166
1.Michael Mandelbaum,"The Bush Foreign Policy"166
2.Terry L.Deibel,"Bush's Foreign Policy:Mastery and Inaction"178
第三章 三大支柱,经济优先——克林顿第一任期的外交政策192
第一节 一般性论述193
1.A New Era of Peril and Promise193
2.Anthony Lake,"From Containment to Enlargement",September 21,1993196
第二节 美俄关系208
1.Zbigniew Brzezinski,"The Premature Partnership"208
2.Owen Harries,"The Collapse of'The West'"211
第三节 美欧关系215
1.Richard Holbrooke,"America,a European Power"216
2.Noel Malcolm,"The Case against'Europe'"220
第四节 中东政策225
1.Daniel Pipes,"Two Cheers for Dual Containment Testimony Presented to:United States Senate",March 2,1995226
2.Amos Perlmutter,"The Israel-PLO Accord Is Dead"231
第五节 拉美政策236
1.William A.Orme,Jr.,"NAFTA:Myths versus Facts"237
2.Sidney W.Mintz,"Can Haiti Change?"244
第六节 亚太战略250
1.Joseph S.Nye,Jr.,"EastAsian Security:The Case for Deep Engagement"251
2.Roger C.Altman,"Why Pressure Tokyo?"259
第七节 中美关系263
1.Barber B.Conable Jr.and David M.Lampton,"China:the Coming Power"264
2.Nicholas D.Kristof,"The Rise of China"273
第八节 克林顿第一任期综述280
1.Richard N.Haass,"Fatal Distraction:Bill Clinton's Foreign Policy"280
2.Douglas Brinkley,"Democratic Enlargement:The Clinton Doctrine"288
第四章 追求霸权,全面推进——克林顿第二任期的外交政策297
第一节 一般性论述298
Joseph S.Nye Jr.,"Redefining the National Interest"298
第二节 北约东扩与美俄、美欧关系306
1.Madeleine Albright,"Enlarging NATO:Why Bigger Is Better"307
2.Walter R.Mead,"No Cold War Two:The United States and the Russian Federation"312
3.Clinton's Statement on Kosovo(March 24,1999)326
第三节 中东政策329
1.Cooper,Richard N.,"The Gulf Bottleneck:Middle East Stability and World Oil Supply"330
2.John Mueller and Karl Mueller."Sanctions of Mass Destruction"338
3.Daniel Byman,"A Farewell to Arms Inspections"345
第四节 非洲与拉美政策354
1.Text of Clinton's Speech in Ghana355
2.Bernard K.Gordon,"The Natural Market Fallacy:Slim Pickings in Latin America"359
第五节 亚太战略363
1.The United States Security Strategy for the EastAsia-Pacific Region 1998363
2.The Guidelines for U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation380
第六节 中美关系386
1.Robert S.Ross,'"Why Our Hardliners Are Wrong"387
2.Bates Gill,"Limited Engagement"398
第七节 克林顿第二任期外交总体评价405
1.Stephen M.Walt,"Two Cheers for Clinton's Foreign Policy"406
2.Richard N.Haass,"The Squandered Presidency"414
3.Robert B.Zoellick,"A Republican Foreign Policy"418
第五章 单边主义,反恐至上——乔治·沃克·布什第一任期的外交政策430
第一节 “9·11”事件之前布什的外交观431
1.Excerpts from Bush's Speeches431
2.George W.Bush,"A Distinctly American Internationalism",November 19,1999432
第二节 反恐战争与国家安全438
1.George w.Bush,"Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People",September 20,2001439
2.George W.Bush,"State of the Union Address",January 29,2002442
3.George W.Bush,"Graduation Speech at West Point United States Military Academy",June 1,2002446
4.George W.Bush,"Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly",September 12,2002450
5.The National Security Strategy of the United States of America455
6.Quadrennial Defense Review Report469
第三节 伊拉克战争与中东问题474
1.Kenneth M.Pollack."Next Stop Baghdad?"474
2.Authorization for Use of Military Force against Iraq Resolution of 2002481
3.George W.Bush,"Discussion about the Future of Iraq"482
第四节 美国与欧洲和俄罗斯的关系486
1.George W.Bush,"Announcement of Withdrawal from the ABM Treaty",December 13,2001487
2.George W.Bush,"Previews Historic NATO Summit in Prague Speech",September,2002488
3.Outrage at"Old Europe"Remarks491
4.George W.Bush,"Remarks to the People of Poland",May 31,2003492
第五节 与中国的关系496
1.Excerpts of George W.Bush's Remarks on China496
2.U.S.and China Stand against Terrorism498
3.Other Issues in U.S.-China Relations501
第六节 与亚洲其他国家和地区的关系508
1.George W.Bush,"Remarks about Unity between the U.S.and Japan",February 18,2002509
2.Robert D.Blackwill,"The Future of US-India Relations"512
第七节 与拉美和非洲的关系518
1.George W.Bush,"Remarks at Summit of the Americas Ceremony",January 12,2004519
2.George W.Bush,"Agenda for U.S.-African Relations",June 26,2003521
第八节 评论526
Melvyn P.Leffler,"Think Again:Bush's Foreign Policy"526
第六章 危机不断,锋芒不再——乔治·沃克·布什第二任期的外交政策533
第一节 一般性论述534
1.George W.Bush,"Second Inaugural Address"534
2.Charles Krauthammer,"Democratic Realism:An American Foreign Policy for a Unipolar World"537
第二节 反恐与国家安全549
1.National Strategy for Combating Terrorism549
2.The National Security Strategy558
3.Quadrennial Defense Review Report574
第三节 中东政策582
1.Sheryl Gay Stolberg,"Bush Sets out Vision for Middle East"583
2.George W.Bush,"We're Not Leaving So Long As I'm President"585
3.US-Iran Relations:The Fourth Option591
第四节 与欧洲和俄罗斯的关系594
1.Fact Sheet:The United States and the European Union:Working Together to Advance Freedom and Prosperity around the World594
2.George W.Bush,"Statement on Georgia"597
3.Vice President's Remarks at the Ambrosetti Forum Cernobbio,Italy598
第五节 与中国的关系604
1.Robert B.Zoellick,"Whither China:From Membership to Responsibility?"604
2.Robert B.Zoellick,"U.S.-China Relations",May 10,2006610
第六节 与亚太地区其他国家和地区的关系616
1.Baker Spring and Balbina Y.Hwang,"U.S.Strategy for the Six-Party Talks"617
2.President Bush Welcomes Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi in an Arrival Ceremony619
3.India-U.S.Relations:A General Overview621
第七节 与美洲国家和非洲国家的关系627
1.President Bush Attends Council of the Americas627
2.U.S.Africa Policy:An Unparalleled Partnership Strengthening Democracy.Overcoming Poverty,and Saving Lives633
第八节 对布什第二任期外交政策的评论637
1.John Feffer,"The Core Misconceptions in the'War on Terror'"638
2.George W.Bush."Farewell Address"645
第七章 奥巴马外交政策展望650
1.Global Trends 2025:A Transformed World650
2.CSIS Commission on Smart Power660
3.Joe Biden,"Remarks at the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy",February 7,2009667
4.Hillary Clinton,"U.S.and Asia:Two Transatlantic and Transpacific Powers",February 13,2009673
5.Press Conference by the President at the OAS Summit679
6.Barrack Obama,"Remarks on a New Beginning",June 4,2009681
7.Barrack Obama,"Remarks at the New Economic School Graduation"691
8.Hillary Rodham Clinton,"Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations"698
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