
- 李月莲,张开,陈家华著 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国传媒大学出版社
- ISBN:9787565721427
- 出版时间:2017
- 标注页数:506页
- 文件大小:78MB
- 文件页数:519页
- 主题词:传播媒介-文集-汉、英
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Ⅰ 新闻语境下的媒介素养2
1 Use of Melodramatic Animation in News and Its Effects on News Appreciation among Older Children in Hong Kong&Benjamin Ka Lun CHENG,Wai Han LO2
2 Media Representation of Migrant Workers in English Newspapers in China:A Corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis&HE Xianzhong14
3 How to Make Media More Relevant to Younger Audiences through Higher Participation&Gabriella THINSZ, Maria NORDMARK42
4 中国大学生学习新闻素养的重要性&甘璐瑶 黄偲53
5 青少年新媒体新闻消费与新闻素养探析&曾昕64
Ⅱ 媒介素养中的新媒体视角74
6 Media and Information Literacy as A Tool to Prevent Hate Propaganda Transmitted through Traditional and Social Media:Lessons From the Arab World&Renaud DE LA BROSSE74
7 Third-Level Agenda Setting on Social Media and Its Implications for Media Literacy Education&FU Jun89
8 Challenges and Ways of Media Literacy Education under New Media Context:A Case Study of Integrating Social Media with Media Literacy Education&YANG Guanghui105
9 Media Literacy in the Context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL)Teaching&Karmila MA CHMUD, Jhems Richard HASAN117
10 Digital Literacy and Growth of Children in Urban China in the New Media Age&ZHANG Haibo130
11 Challenges in Parental Mediation Research and Opportunities for Advancing of the Field&Lucie STASTNA152
12 数字不平等:社交网站中的城乡青少年数字素养差异&徐玥 于月洋175
Ⅲ 媒介素养教育中的视觉文化和语言艺术186
13 Creative Practice as Research in Art-based Media Literacy&DENG Tzong Sheng186
14 Japanese Pre-Service Teachers’ Manga Digital Storytelling&Masato WADA ZHAORuohan XU Yao196
15 How Might Context Influence or Inflect Media Literacy Education?&Neil ANDERSEN216
16 How Media Literacy Has Been Perceived by Teachers in Japanese Language Classes:How It Is Described in Research Papers&Kaori OKUIZUMI223
17 艺术性的渴望与追求——论韩剧中的女性形象&高卫红237
Ⅳ 健康与媒介素养246
18 New Priorities in Critical Literacy: From Google to Brain Studies&Ellen SEITER246
19 The Role of Mass Media in Transmission of Health Information as Perceived by Chinese Diabetes PatientsZOU Manyun,GUO Liping,Ulla CONNOR,HUANG Fang LI Fang,LI Jun,LIANG Fang,LIU Jingjing,NIU Ying,QIAO Yuling,WUZhaoxia,ZHANGJunqing&261
20 当“媒体素养”遇上“健康素养”——以台湾大学联盟内的媒体素养课程设计为例&林子斌 梁至中 陈彦元 蔡今中275
21 健康素养测评工具的演变分析——兼谈中国健康传播中素养测评的要点&吴吟 杨劲283
Ⅴ 文化及教育语境下的媒介素养296
22 The Transition of Media Literacy Studies to Liberal Studies in Logos Academy&Eileen Wai Chi MOK296
23 Media literacy: Enhancing Teaching and Empowering Learning&Paula HODGSON306
24 台湾民众的媒体素养研究:人口特征与媒体使用的解释观点&张蓉君 胡幼伟316
25 全球传播视域下的文化认同危机与重构——基于媒介素养的研究视角&邵瑞340
26 媒介素养教育西安本土化路径探究——基于案例教学的视角&李盎348
Ⅵ 不同视角下的全球媒介素养356
27 From Media Analysis to Risk Reduction Pedagogy:Rethinking Literacy in Canada&Stephen KLINE356
28 Integrating Media Literacy in the Thai National Basic Education Core Curriculum:The Buddha’s Media Literacy Teachings&Sara GABAI, Nudee NUPAIROJ371
29 Media Literacy Education in Singapore: Connecting Theory,Policy and Practice&Csilla WENINGER383
30 Education and Media Literacy in Russia:Genesis and Current Trends: Evaluation of the Level of Media Literacy of Students&Anna KACHKAEVA,Svetlana SHOMOVA,Anna KOLCHINA401
31 Guidelines on Developing Media Literacy Competencies of Youth in Thailand&Kritchanat SANTAWEE, Chatchada Akarasriworn NAGAOKA409
32 Indigenous Models of Message Interpretation from Ancient Indian Texts and Their Applications in Media Literacy&Pardeep KUMAR, Bindu SHARMA, Ashutosh ANGIRAS422
33 The Evolution of Media and Information Literacy:UNESCO’s Contributions&S.T.Kwame BOAFO438
Ⅶ 媒介素养的研究与实践发展446
34 An Examination of Interdisciplinary Research on Media Literacy between 2004 and 2014&GENG Yiqun446
35 论媒介素养教育的发展动力&卢锋 韩璐 刘洋 丁雪阳462
36 文化视角下的青少年媒介素养理论建构研究&石昆 敖柏472
37 在新科技里寻找旧真理——人机伦理的倡议&董素兰481
38 倾听中介的声音:新媒体素养教育的另类实践取径&张煜麟497
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