

  • 杨桂通等主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
  • ISBN:7030038398
  • 出版时间:1994
  • 标注页数:428页
  • 文件大小:17MB
  • 文件页数:446页
  • 主题词:生物力学(学科: 进展 学科: 文集)


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A new constitutive model of the compact bone Yang Guitong, Wu WenZhou, Zhang Ruiping1

Plenary Lecture1

密质骨的损伤本构模型 杨桂通 吴文周 张瑞萍1

恒磁场对豚鼠血栓等血液流变性质影响的实验研究 周崇文 吴望一 温功碧 陈建国6

Experimental study of the effect of the magnetic field on the blood rheology for cavia porcellus Zho6

双足步行运动的动态稳定性 刘延柱12

On the dynamic stability of biped locamotion Liu Yanzhu12

体液流变特性研究进展 吴云鹏16

The development of the tissue fluid rheology studies Wu Yunpeng16

An analysis of entrance flow in a blood vessel Cen Renjing, Qin Chan19

血管入口流动问题分析 岑人经 秦婵19

Mechanics of soft tissues *Zeng Yanjun25

软组织力学 曾衍钧25

Tensile fatigue damage of human bone Wu Wenzhou,Chen Weiyi30

人骨的拉伸疲劳损伤 吴文周 陈维毅30

Rheology and Cell Mechanics35

The influnce of nonuniform red cell distribution on the plasma skimming at a microvascular T-bifurca35


红细胞分布不均匀性对于微循环T形分岔处血浆撇取的影响 严宗毅 范唯35

红细胞入孔的力学分析 王辉明 严宗毅 文宗曜 王铭 孙艳萍40

Mechanical analysis of the entrance of a red blood cell into a pore Wang Huiming,Yan Zongyi, Wen Zon40

On the location of the stationary level in a electrophoresis cell with a rectangular cross section S45

横截面为长方形的电泳小室中静止层的位置 山慧贤45

Biophysical Properties of human ligament fibroblasts:ACL vs. MCL K. L., Paul Sung, Joseph Hagan, Sim50

Biophysical properties of human ligament fibroblasts:ACL vs. MCL K. -L., Paul Sung, Joseph Hagan, Si50

Changes of erythrocyte deformability in hypercholesterolemic rabbits Hu Jinlin,Fang Yaoyun,Tian Yapi53

高胆固醇血症家兔红细胞变形能力的改变 胡金麟 方耀云 田亚平 王佩英等53

The changes of erythrocyte deformability in chronic renal failure with and without hemodialysis trea57

慢性肾功能衰竭病人经血液透析后红细胞变形能力的改变 胡金麟 蒋工伟 李向红 董伟等57

Quantitatively research on three tissue Components of biliary system Yang Ruifang, Jiang Jiahuan,Wu61

胆道系统三种组织成份的定量研究 杨瑞芳 蒋稼欢 吴云鹏等61

Studies on human red blood cell deformability and membrane permeability to NaNo2during fatigue induc66

运动疲劳时红细胞变形性和通透性的研究 赵春景 吴茜 杨瑞芳 吴云鹏66

等容血稀释法治疗脑损伤的实验研究 陈槐卿 李良 杨怡静 冯新明等70

Experimental study on isovolemic hemodilution for the treatment of traumatic brain injury Chen Huaiq70

Experimental studies on viscoelastic measurement with a Couette viscometer Shao jingyu,Zhuang Fengyu75

用同轴粘度计测血液粘弹性的实验研究 邵金雨 庄逢源 胡青华75

剪应力诱导的家兔血小板聚集及其显微评价 廖福龙 李文 殷晓杰78

Shear induced rabbit platelet aggregation and its microscopic evaluation Lian Fulong,Li Wen, Yin Xia78

多形核粒细胞膜于毛细血管入口变形运动 胡青华 庄逢源 邵金雨 张筱燕81

Microcirculation studies on reperfusion of gerbil cerebral ischemia Hu Qinghua,Zhuang Fengyuan,Wei D81

Studies on PMNs deformation at the entrance of capillaries Hu Qinghua, Shao Jinyu, Zhang Xiaoyan, Zh83

沙土鼠软脑膜缺血后再灌注的微循环实验研究 胡青华 魏东 刘飒 张叔伦等83

Study on the relationship between serum trace element and the hematocrit He Bangping, Zhao Deshan, W85

血清微量元素与红细胞压积关系的研究 何邦平 赵德山 王颖 李东方等85

IALR培养灵芝真菌菌丝体发酵液的流变特性研究 周少奇 唐立民 冯朴荪90

The study on the rheological properties of filamentous mycelial fermentation broths of ganoderma luc90

Kinetic study on and comparison of the contents of carbarmazepine (CBZ) in the Serum Serum ultra-fi93

癫痫患者血清、血清超滤液、唾液、脑脊液中卡马西平浓度的比较和动力学研究 汪昕 汪逸平 吴保仁 蒋永培93

Clinical observation on hemorheological variation in 220 cases of aged angiocardiopathy and cerebrov97

220例老年心脑血管病的血液流变学改变的临床观察 田江红 朱 张贤康97

Analysis and measurement of residual strain in the artery Li Xiaoyang, Kozaburo Hayashi99

关于动脉壁残余应变分析和测量方法 李晓红 K.Hayashi99

实验性冠脉狭窄诱发血小板激活作用及其流体力学机制探讨 王建昌 姬亚友 石津生 李玉玲等103

Platelet activation induced by experimental stenosed coronary (canine) and fluid mechanism Wang Jia103

心室颤前后脑微动脉血管的应力分析 王伯初 新见英幸 吴云鹏 蔡绍?106

Analysis of the stress of cerebral arterioles during ventricular fibrillation Wang B. C., H. Niimi,106

Creep, relaxation and oscillation behaviours of biological tubes--chicken intestines in ossifying pe110

生物管道-鸡肠在僵硬过程中的蠕变、松驰和振荡特性 钱民全 赵笃凤 彭荣瑞110

A approach to get viscoelastic constant of three-parameter-solid model Liu Songyang, Zhu Dongming113

求三参数模型粘弹性常数的一种计算方法 柳松杨 朱东明113

角膜力学特性实验研究 曾衍钧 任庆华 付广宇 李秀云等117

An experimental study of mechanical properties in corneas anjun, Ren Chinghua, Fu Guangyu, Li Xiuyun117

高应变率下骨的力电效应理论研究 吴文周 王清雨120

A theory of eleetromechanical behavior of bone under high strain rate Wu Wen zhou Wang QinYu120

高应变率下骨的力电效应实验研究 王清雨 赵隆茂 吴文周124

An experimental study on electromechanical behavior of bone under high strain rate Wang Qingyu, Zhao124

The strains and electromechanical potentials in human bone Mao Xiaogang, Zhao Junhai, He Qimin,Geng128

人骨中应变与力-电电位 毛晓岗 赵均海 何琪民 耿介等128

干牛骨拉伸弹性模量沿径向的分布 侯振德 高瑞亭 周欣竹 佟振动等131

The affecting of piezoelectric effect on the streaming potential ih Haver′s canals Hou Zhende, Gao131

哈佛氏管内压电效应对流动电位的影响 侯振德 陈金龙 高瑞亭 赵志岗135

Radial distribution of the tensile modulus of dry boving bone Hou Zhende, Gao Ruiting,Zhou Xinzhu et135

同种异体骨移植的动态粘弹性分布研究 张宏民 杜守继 吴文周 杨育勇等140

A dynamic viscoelastic analysis on alloimplanted bones Zhang Hongmin, Du Shouji, Wu Wenzhou et al.140

骺板力学性质的实验研究 华筑信 刚芹果 林振福 李军等144

The experimental study of mechanical behavior of epiphyseal plate Hua Zhuxin et al.144

激光全息和散斑干涉法测量新鲜人体下颌骨的弹性性质 陈新民 赵云凤147

Measurement of the elastic properties of the fresh human mandible by laser holographic and speckle i147

成骨细胞在均匀电场作用下的特性实验研究 王前 钟世镇 杨桂通 张增坤等152

An experimental study on the behavior of osteoblasts under electric field Wang Qian, Zhong Shizhen,152

Biofluid Mechanics153

Study of compliance of rabbit hepatic portal system in vitro Zhu Liang, Li Guangjun,Yang Yusheng, Xu153

离体兔肝门静脉系统顺应性的研究 朱? 李广君 杨玉生 许世雄等153


Hemodynamic method for determining the best suitable blood vessel diameter for shunt in portacaval s158

确定门腔分流术最佳分流管径的血流动力学方法 许世雄 朱? 田江红 张贤康等158

Cerebrovascular hemodynamics analysis using carotid arterial pulsatile wave Li Xixi, Ding GuangHong,162

用颈动脉脉搏波检测脑血管动力学参数 李惜惜 丁光宏 庄永基 沈峰 柳兆荣162

The clinical significance of the analogic survey for the fluidmechanics on intrahepatic biliarg bran165

肝内胆管分叉部流体力学体外模拟测验的临床意义 房文彬 马富 何铁春 华益慰等165

Changes of cerebrovascular dynamic indices in hypertention Guo Zuo, Wang Guiqing, Shi Yinmian, Tian166

高血压脑血管运动学动力学指标的发言为 郭佐 王桂清 史荫绵 田桂琴等166

硝普钠对循环力学和机能特征的作用 王正荣 万朝敏 薛振南171

Characteristic of circulatory mechanics and function effected by sodium nitroprusside Wang Zhengrong171

The man-seat system dynamic model under aerodynamic forces and its application Hao Weiya, Lin Xiexia175

气流吹袭下的人-椅系统动力学模型及其应用 郝卫亚 林撷仙175

The experimental study on the effect of ″8″ type vortex on fish swing movement Wu Jing, Gao Ge179

“8”字涡在鱼类摆动推进中的作用及实验研究 吴靖 高歌179

Effect of magnetic fields on viscous liquid column with finite length in a vertical straight tube an184

在磁砀作用下,竖直毛细管中有限长液柱粘性流体运动和血细胞的浓度分布 温功碧 孙克利184

Mathematical model of the mechanism of the interstinal villi absorption Li Ping, Wu Wangyi188

小肠绒毛吸收机制的数学模型 李平 吴望一188

Determine and study on the characteristics of porous in rabbit kidney Liu Zeyang, Yu Dasen, Yu Li et194

兔肾多孔介质血管系统物理特性的测定与研究 刘泽扬 于大森 李贵山 俞理等194

Study on the stability of porous flow and elasticith in biological media Guo Shangping, Yu Dashen, L197

生物孔隙介质流动稳定性及弹性研究 郭尚平 于大森 刘泽扬 李贵山等197

人工双叶翼型瓣的定常湍流场研究 余斌 陈君楷 康振黄200

Study on the steady turbulent flow field of BCVP mechanical heart valves Yu Bin, Chen Junkai, Kang Z200

Fatigue testing problem of cardiac valve prostheses Xi Baoshu, Pei Zhaohong, Zu Peizhen, Li Shouyan204

人工心脏瓣膜体外加速疲劳试验问题 席葆树 裴兆宏 祖佩贞 李守彦204

System identification method to design the system simulating cardiovascular circulation:model analys208

系统辨识法设计血液体循环模拟系统模型 陈琛 程笑梅208

On simulation of the afterload in the duplicator for pulsatile flow testing of heart valve substitu213

人工心瓣测验试装置中后负荷的模拟 丁光宏 李惜惜 柳兆荣213

Study on the method of controlling the systemic ciculatory simulator Yuan Zhirun, Zou Yuanwen, Chen216

体循环模拟系统的模糊预测控制 袁支润 邹远文 陈君楷 樊瑜波等216

Study on the in-vitro heart valve orifice measurement by use of CCD technology Yuan Zhirun, Ma Lin,221

用CCD测体外心脏瓣膜开口面积的探索 袁支润 马琳 李永远 兰荣靖221

The research of simulation of human cardiovascular system signals Huang Hua, Yuan Zhirun, Chen Junka225

人体血液循环系统生理信号模拟研究 黄华 袁支润 陈君楷225

应力与骨表面重建之间关系的生物力学研究 黄再兴 刘振田229

The biomechanical study of the relationship between stress and surface bone remodeling Huang Zaixin,229


Bone Biomechanics229

The affection of three-point bending supports on the measurement of the mechanical properties of bon234

三点弯曲支座对测定骨弯曲性能的影响 郭晓辉 赵隆茂234

颈椎牵引的生物力学研究 陈禾丽 苏先基 吴望一 李晶239

Biomechanical analysis of the cervical vertebrae tractor Chen Heli, Su Xianji, Wu Wangyi, Li Jing239

Mechanical analysis of human skull under asymmetrical impact Wu Wenzhou, Jiao Dabin, Lei Gang244

人头颅受非轴对称撞击作用的力学分析 吴文周 焦大宾 雷刚 徐中林244

人头颅力学模型的实验分析 焦大宾 吴文周 雷刚 徐中林250

An expermental analysis on mechanical model of human skull Jiao Dabin, Wu Wenzhou,Lei Gang250

关节振动讯号量测对膝关节退化性病变之研究 江清泉 刘益瑞 傅式恩 吴政忠253

Study on the joint pathological changes by use of the ioint vibration measurement method Jiang Qingq253

Static and dynamic finite element analysis:the pathogenesis of osteochondrosis dissecans in the huma258

人体膝关节骨软骨病因的动、静力学有限元分析 杨敏 邹盛铨 李永年258

The effect of Q-angle on the patellofemoral contact and stress:the experimental study Chen shiyi, Ba262

Q角对髌股关节接触面积和应力影响的实验研究 陈世益 白玉龙 袁旬华 许胜文262

豚鼠桡骨的功能适应性 朱兴华 吴晓瑞 刘清华266

Functional adaptation in radius of mature cavia porcellus Zhu Xinghua, Wu Xiaorui, Lu Qinghua266

Biomechanics of hallux valgus Zhao Liming, Zhao Zhongyue270

?外翻的生物力学 赵立明 赵钟岳270

Experimental research of combined antirotation intramedullary nail Li Jianmin, Xu Shaoting, Hua Zhux273

组合式防旋髓内针的试验研究 李健民 胥少汀 华筑信 李铁防等273

髋关节重建中的最佳几何关系-颈托(颈领)角的生物力学探讨 姜延洲 戴克戎 王以进 丁祖泉277

Optimizing geometrical relationship of articial articulatio coxae--a biomechanical investigation on277

Experimental osteoarthritis in rabbit by changing the force line of the knee Meng He, Huang Tao279

力线改变致膝骨性关节炎的临床及实验研究 孟和 黄涛279

The limiting forces of human lower extremital bones under dynamic pressure Shi Jian et al280

人体下肢骨骼的动态压缩极限载荷 侍坚 乐秀鸿 王学佑 王来兴等280

The effect on the knee joint of the kneecap thickness varied Jiang Qingquan et al282

改变髌骨厚度对膝关节功能的影响 江清泉 黄丽淳 刘益瑞 张世烈等282


下颌后牙固定桥桥体下粘膜应力的三维有限元法分析 赵云凤 唐亮283

Dental Mechanics283

Three-dimensional finite element stress analysis of the mucosa beneath dontie of mandibular posterio283

上颌复合体及上颌牙弓阻力中心位置的研究 赵志河 赵美英287

The study of the locations of the centers of resistance of the maxillarry complex and upper dental a287

前牵引矫形力的部位和方向对鼻上颌复合体内部位移和应力的影响 赵美英 赵志河292

The affection to the displacement and stress in nasomaxillary complex by the position and direction292

用三维有限单元法分析根管治疗后上颌侧切牙烤瓷冠修复体的受载应力分布 尹亚敏 朱希涛 熊昌炳297

Three-dimensional finite element stress analysis of maxillary lateral incisors with PFM crowns follo297

The stress analysis of cuspid in three way connection with the bone Zhou Shumin, Zhang Guoan300

三种附着类型的上尖牙牙体周支持组织的应力分布--二维光弹性研究 周书敏 张国安300

不同洞型龋齿受力变形的散斑计量和图象处理技术 罗至善 顾志华 周祖威 高瑞亭305

The deformation measurement on the decayed teeth restored with different types of cavity by spekle p305

三种固定桥基牙和牙槽骨表面的电测应力分析--垂直加载和斜向加载 张修银 洪水棕 张仁涛 蒋蕴华等308

Analysis of the stress distribution in the abutments and the supporting alvealar bone as restrred by308

套筒冠可摘局部义齿支持组织应力分布研究 张富强 杨宠莹 高素娟 徐锡鸣等313

Research for stress distribution of the periodontal tissue restored with telescope denture Zhang Fuq313

Dynamic analysis of the apophysis fracture treatment with the legament tensed method Ma Hezhong, Yan316


利用拉伸韧带法治疗骨髁骨折的力学分析 马和中 杨勇琪 麦汉超 韩跃新316

Soft Tissue Mechanics316

考虑弯曲效应的牦牛心包瓣应力分析 张建海 李永年 邹盛铨319

Stress analysis of yak pericardium bioprosthetic heart valve considering bending effect Zhang Jianha319

Photoelasticity stress analsis of bioprostheses valve Zou Shengquan, Cao Zhen, Zu Zhenghua, Liao Hon323

生物瓣的光弹性应力分析 邹盛铨 曹震 祖正华 廖宏艳323

Models of stress distribution for sutures Liao Donghua,Han Haichao328

伤口缝合应力分布的力学模型 廖东华 韩海潮328

Analysis of the circumferential tensile properties of the wall of a blood vessel:nomal and hypertens333

血管壁合的周向张力特性分析--正常与高血压下 刘炳坤 刘振田333

Residual strain in canine aorta Huang Min, Han Haichao, Zhao Li338

狗主动脉中的残余应变 黄民 韩海潮 赵黎338

跳远踏跳动作的运动生物力学分析 洪嘉振 许彤341


Sports Dynamics341

Biomechanics analysis of the driving of the long jump Hong Jiazhen,Xu Tong341

Research of the high jump technique of belly crossing posture by forward picked Ye Bainian, Li Zhu,345

前屈体腹越式跳高技术的探讨 叶柏年 李珠 刘建国345

Analysis of the human gait and the studies in the application of clinical orthopaedics Zhang Xiao, L349

人体步态的分析及在临床骨科中应用的初步探讨 张潇 卢世壁349

Analysis on the adaptability of a camel to travelling on desert in biomechanics Xu Peijun, Ma Peisun353

骆驼适于沙漠行走的生物力学分析 徐佩君 马培荪 庄继德353

Kinematic changes of lumbar spine after graded facetectomies Dai Kerong, Dong Fan357

小关节破坏后腰椎运动学变化 戴克戎 董凡357

Biomechanical study of quadriceps through an isokinetic velocity spectrum Li Zongming, Lu Kui, Qian360

膝关节以不同的速度作等动运动时股四头肌的生物力学分析 李宗明 陆葵 钱不凡 杨庆铭等360

Isokinetic evaluation of knee joint after anterior cruciate ligament replacement Lu Kui, Li Zongming363

人工置换前交叉韧带术后膝关节功能的等动评价 陆葵 李宗明 钱不凡 杨庆铭等363

Dynamics of multi-body system and human head/neck model Zhang Jinzhi, Zhu Dongming, Huang Zhizhong366

多刚体系统动力学及人体头颈部模型 张金芝 朱东明 黄执中366

Three-compartment pharmacokinetic model of two step approaches using bifunctional antibody and hapte370

治疗癌症的双官能抗体--半抗原两步法的三房室药物动力学模型 吴望一 戴国亨370



反应型药物肌内注射浓度分布及Krogh模型尺度的讨论 张伟376

Concentration distribution of reactive drug for intramuscular injection and the scale of Krogh′s mo376

Apply the similar permeability to study medicine Liu Zeyang, Yu Dasen, Li Guishan, Liang Ni et al381

类渗透率在药物研究中的应用 刘泽扬 于大森 李贵山 梁 妮等381

Studies on the phase Ⅰ clinical pharmacokinetics of Ge-132 Guo Junhua, Wu Dezheng, Xu Zuoli, Yu Sho385

丙氧锗二酸的Ⅰ期临床药代动力学研究 郭军华 吴德政 俞受程 徐卓立等385

Biomechanics in Clinical Medicine and Others388

A CAD system for orthodontic diagosis and treatment planning Ke Jie et al388

错?模型的三维测量及诊断、矫治设计专家系统 柯杰 林珠 赵宏 王毓政388


Expermental study on the effects of patellofemoral contact by advancement of the tibial tuberosity B391

胫骨结节抬高术对髌股关节接触影响的实验研究 白玉龙 陈世益 许胜文 袁旬华391

Mechanical control system for experimental fracture treatment Zhong Honggang, Dong Fuhui, Huang Hu,395

实验性骨折治疗力学控制系统 钟红刚 董福慧 黄沪 王庆甫等395

Histological and mechanical observe of epiphyseal separate by tensile force Yu Zhenwu et al399

牵拉骺分离组织学观察及力学特性 于振武 陈燕 林振福 华筑信399

Ophthalmotonometry simulated by computer Zeng Yanjun, Xu Xunzhu, Li Xiaoyang, Fu Guangyu402

测量眼压的计算机模拟 曾衍钧 徐巽珠 李晓扬 付广宇402

Chaotic features in the electrocardiac processes Dong Zhifa, Gao Jianbo, Wang Xiaolin, Zheng Zhemin405

心电过程的混纯特征 董智法 高剑波 王晓林 郑哲敏405

Evaluating aeroplane control-force with IEMG Wang Xiuzeng409

肌电积分法在评定飞机操纵力中的应用 王秀增409

Comparisons of cerebrovascular dynamics and other indices between″stroke belt″ and″non-stroke bel411

中国“中风带”“非中风带”脑血管动力学等研究 王桂靖 王耀山 张保樽 何裕新等411

Effect of YI JIN JING on heart function and cardiovascular function Zhou Xinwen, Xu Jun Gu Jukang, J416

易筋经锻炼对心功能和心血管功能影响初探 周信文 徐俊 顾菊康 蒋荣芳等416

The study on the impedance rheomemberograph of the patients with obstructive thrombus vasculitis in419

118例血栓闭塞性脉管炎与血流图的研究 杨建新 李海涛 钱进 李淑英419

Study of holographic microcirculation Yu Quanli421

全息微循环的探讨 于泉丽421

The biomechanic basis for the treatment of the congenital hip joint dislocation Zhao Zhongyue424

诊治先天性髋脱位的生物力学基础 赵钟岳424

Biomechanical testing on the rotary propellant cutter for neck intervertebras disk Liu Jie, Zhao Chu425

ZDS-旋转推进式颈椎椎体间盘切除器的生物力学测试 刘杰 赵春风425

Measurement test research of biomechanics and medical parameters He Tiechun427

生物力学与医学参数的计量测试研究 何铁春427
