英语智慧背囊 第1辑【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 梁钫主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:新华出版社
- ISBN:7501176191
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:240页
- 文件大小:24MB
- 文件页数:252页
- 主题词:英语-汉语-对照读物;故事-作品集-世界
英语智慧背囊 第1辑PDF格式电子书版下载
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超越自我Transcend Yourself追随梦想 Follow Your Dream3
敢于要求 Ask,Ask,Ask7
心中的玫瑰 The Rose Within12
鼓起勇气,迎接挑战 Summon Up Courage15
井中之驴 The Farmer's Donkey19
逆境求生 Adrift22
快乐还是痛苦,由你来定 Up to You26
寻求大改变,从小处做起 Tiny Steps,Big Changes30
心想才能事成 You'll Get Exactly What You Expect34
紧握餐叉 Keep Your Fork38
弯而不折 Bend but Don't Break42
风雨中的雄鹰 Eagle in a Storm46
别让小人挡了你的道 Keep the Trolls Away from Your Goals49
相信自己 Sure you Can53
梦想终有成真时 Never Too Late to Become What you Want to Be57
品味人生Thoughts on Life堆沙堡 Making Sandcastles63
幽默的意义 Humor Can Save Your Life68
磨坊主和儿子 The Miller and His Son71
一场火灾 The Fire74
断弦的小提琴 Playing a Violin with Three Strings78
不被爱的人 Unlovely82
人生的回音 The Echo86
生活中的“砖头” The Brick in Your Life89
待售的小狗 Puppies for Sale93
试金石 The Touchstone97
建好你自己的房子 Building Your House101
什么最重要 What Will Matter?105
黄金与钻石 Gold and Diamond109
看看你周围 Look Around You113
甜豌豆的夏天 Sweet-Pea Summers117
思想的珍珠Pearls of Thought将爱放飞 Let Go of Love123
皮匠和银行家 The Cobbler and the Banker126
一生的收获 Catch of a Lifetime130
偷曲奇饼的人 The Cookie Thief135
弱点还是强项 Weakness or Strength139
神奇的鹅卵石 The Magic Pebbles143
美洲鹫、蝙蝠与大黄蜂 The Buzzard,the Bat and the Bumblebee147
照亮黑暗角落的光芒 Shining Light in Dark Corners150
生命的拼搏 Life Struggle154
行胜于言 Louder than Anything You Can Say158
人生的大石头 Big Rocks162
篱笆里的钉子 Nail in the Fence166
珍贵的海星 Treasure Starfish169
繁忙 Busy173
学有所成的时间 Time to Learn176
浮华背后Behind Fortunes金链 The Gold Chain181
陶工 The Potter184
再挖深一点 Dig a Little Deeper188
大理石 The Marbles191
得不偿失 Too Dear for the Whistle195
鞋钉 The Shoe Tacks199
世界是个钱柜 The World Is a Money-Locker203
您富有吗? Are You Rich?208
我们是多么贫穷 How Poor We Really Are212
吸取一个教训,赢得一份礼物 Learn a Lesson,Find the Gift215
世界上最宝贵的财富 The Most Valuable Possessions on Earth219
洞洞球的诞生 The Birth of Wiffle223
专心致志 Commitment228
乞丐和吝啬鬼 The Beggar and the Miser232
宝贵的双手 Precious Hands236
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