
- 《冶金与材料物理化学专题文集》编委会编 著
- 出版社: 北京:冶金工业出版社
- ISBN:9787502470487
- 出版时间:2015
- 标注页数:431页
- 文件大小:81MB
- 文件页数:447页
- 主题词:材料科学-物理化学-文集
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第一部分 物理化学应用基础研究3
Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties for Multicomponent System with Chou Model&Zhen Qiang(甄强) Bao Hong(包宏) Wang Fuming(王福明) 等25
由稳定化合物熔化焓提取二元系活度&李兴康 刘四俊 王俭 等30
Statistical Mechanics Model of Liquid Binary Alloy and Its Parameters&Fan Chengcai Wang Jian Li Wenchao et al.35
Does Nitrogen Transport in Vitreous Silica only Take Place in Molecular Form?&Dong Qian G. Hultquist47
Influence of Additives on Kinetic Behavior of SiO2-C-N2 System&Zhuang Youqing Li Wenchao56
Silica Photonic Crystals with Quasi-full Band Gap in the Visible Region Prepared in Ethanol&Zhang Hui Wang Xidong Zhao Xiaofeng et al.60
Fe-C-j(j=Ti、V、Cr、Mn)熔体的热力学性质规律&王海川 王世俊 乐可襄 等66
A Data Treatment Method of the Carbon Saturated Solubility in Fe-C-Cr Melt&Wang Haichuan Wang Shijun Yue Kexiang et al.74
低碳FeMnSiAl系TWIP钢冶炼技术研究&刘建华 庄昌凌 李世琪 等81
Influence of Vanadium on Microstructure and Properties of Medium-chromium White Cast Iron&Liu Keming Wang Fuming Li Changrong et al.88
Phase Relationships and Thermodynamic Properties in the Mn-Ni-C System&Teng Lidong Ragnhild Aune Li Wenchao et al.95
Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Cooling Processes of High Temperature Slags&Sun Yongqi Shen Hongwei Wang Hao et al.108
Thermodynamic Investigation of Synthesizing Metastable β-Sialon-Alon Composite Ceramic&Huang Xiangdong Li Wenchao Wang Fuming et al.121
高炉渣合成Ca-α-Sialon-SiC粉的热力学分析及工艺优化&刘克明 王福明 李文超 等127
第二部分 新型高温结构陶瓷139
Kinetic Studies of Oxidation of MgAlON and a Comparison of the Oxidation Behaviour of AlON,MgAlON,O'-SiAlON-ZrO2 and BN-ZCM Ceramics&Wang Xidong Li Wenchao Seshadri Seetharaman139
Thermal Diffusivity/Conductivity of MgAlON-BN Composites&Zhang Zoutai Li Wenchao S. Seetharaman155
热压合成AlON-VN复相陶瓷的研究&赛音巴特尔 张作泰 李文超167
Synthesis of TiN/AlON Composite Ceramics&Wang Xidong Gao Lichun Li Guobao et al.173
The Effect of Al2O3(Mul.)on Phase Compositions of O'-Sialon Ceramics&Zhong Weibin Li Wenchao Zhong Xiangchong181
氮化硼对锆刚玉莫来石材料力学性能及显微结构的影响& 赵海雷 李文超 钟香崇 等186
ZrO2-CaO-BN复合材料的研制&黄绵亮 李文超 钟香崇194
Synthesis Mechanism of Silicon Nitride Obtained from Silica Reduction&Zhuang Youqing(庄又青) Wang Jian(王俭) Li Wenchao(李文超) 等198
O'-Sialon-ZrO2-SiC复合材料的摩擦磨损性能研究&张海军 李文超 姚熹 等203
合成β3-SiAlON-AlON复相材料的热力学分析的研究&黄向东 李文超 王福明 等211
热压烧结Ta/β'-Sialon系梯度功能材料的残余热应力分析&丁保华 李文超217
石英向α-方石英转化率研究&王金淑 王俭 李文超 等223
刚玉强化日用瓷的理论分析&李文超 王俭 刘建华 等228
用穆斯堡尔谱和吸收光谱研究汝瓷天青釉呈色机理&秦建武 李国桢 李文超 等237
MgO-SiO2-Al2O3体系用后耐火材料合成新材料的研究&赛音巴特尔 廖洪强 岳昌盛 等242
Recent Development of Andalusite Refractories in China&Wen Hongjie Li Wenchao Wang Jinxiang et al.248
红柱石分解过程的分形研究&文洪杰 李文超 王金相 等257
Fractal Calculation of Mo/β'-Sialon Functionally Gradient Materials by Powder Metallurgy&Ding Baohua Li Wenchao Wang Fuming 等261
第三部分 功能陶瓷材料267
Effects of Preparing Conditions on Controllable One-step Electrodeposition of ZnO Nanotube Arrays& Lu Hui Zheng Feng Zhang Mei et al.267
Oxygen Sensitivity of Nano-CeO2 Coating TiO2 Materials&Zhang Mei Wang Xidong Wang Fuming et al.280
Thermodynamic Analysis of Combustion Synthesis of Al2O3-TiC-ZrO2 Nanoceramics&Dong Qian Tang Qing Li Wenchao et al.287
Microwave Plasma Sintered Nanocrystalline Bi2O3-HfO2-Y2 O3 Composite Solid Electrolyte&Zhen Qiang Girish M. Kale He Weiming et al.296
一种新型湿化学方法合成Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3纳米粉末的研究&连芳 徐利华 王福明 等311
Effect of Ti Content on the Martensitic Transformation in Zirconia for Ti-ZrO2 Composites&Teng Lidong Li Wenchao Wang Fuming318
Preparations and Characterizations of New Mesoporous ZrO2 and Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 Spherical Powders&Zhang Hui Lu Hu Zhu Yawei et al.325
Catalytically Highly Active Top Gold Atom on Palladium Nanocluster&Zhang Haijun Tatshuya Watanabe Mitsutaka Okumura et al.340
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrascopy Investigation of Ceria Doped with Lanthanum Oxide&Du Xueyan(杜雪岩) Li Wenchao(李文超) Liu Zhenxiang(刘振祥) et al.349
A New Highly Selective H2Sensor Based on TiO2/PtO-Pt Dual-Layer Films&Du Xueyan Wang Yuan Mu Yongyan et al.352
Mesoporous TiO2 Thin Films Exhibiting Enhanced Thermal Stability and Controllable Pore Size:Preparation and Photocatalysed Destruction of Cationic Dyes&Wang Jinshu Li Hui Li Hongyi et al.360
Evaluation of La0.3 Sr0.7 Ti1-xCoxO3 as Potential Cathode Material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells&Du Zhihong Zhao Hailei Shen Yongna et al.374
Platinum Decorated Aligned Carbon Nanotubes:Electrocatalyst for Improved Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells&Yuan Yuan Joshua A. Smith Gabriel Goenaga et al.392
Preparation and Characterization of Li+-modified CaxPb1-xTiO3 Film for Humidity Sensor&Liu Jingbo Li Wenchao Zhang Yanxi et al.408
基于WEB的人工神经网络材料设计系统&刘国华 包宏 李文超427
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